Dallas Fort Worth Security Blog

Benefits of a Home Security System

Benefits of a Home Security System

Evidence of a home security system will deter many burglars from attempting a break-in, but if someone does break-in when your system is armed they will set off an audible alarm and the police can be dispatched. But security systems also offer less obvious benefits....

Let’s Talk About Dogs

Let’s Talk About Dogs

My father in law woke up one morning and started his normal morning routine before work. While he was downstairs in the kitchen a strange man entered the house in the room next to him and immediately said he was in the wrong house, quickly exiting out the back into...

Locks are Meant to Keep Honest People Honest

Locks are Meant to Keep Honest People Honest

Locks are meant to keep honest people honest Chances are you’ve heard this phrase before, and when it comes to home security it is actually true. Many burglaries are crimes of convenience. In fact, over 40% of burglars admit their break-in was a spur of the moment...

Why You Should Install a Home Security System

Why You Should Install a Home Security System

Home security systems provide your home and your family the protection they need. These are some of the top reasons to install a system in your home.  Protection Your home, family, and possessions are safer with a security system than without one.  Many burglars will...

Self Defense Tips

Self Defense Tips

Whether you're at home or traveling, you should be aware of your surroundings to ensure your safety at all times.  Here are a few of the best self defense tips to make sure you don't find yourself the victim of a senseless crime.   Pay Attention to Your...

Take Your Home Security to the Next Level with a Video Doorbell

Take Your Home Security to the Next Level with a Video Doorbell

Are you ready for the next big thing in home security?  The high definition video doorbell is here to offer your home and family more protection than you've ever experienced before! The Skybell Video Doorbell is an innovative new home security device. With it you can...

What in the World do Hamburgers Have to do with Security Systems?

What in the World do Hamburgers Have to do with Security Systems?

Merriam-Webster’s Definition of value: 1) a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged 2) the monetary worth of something Our goal at Protectus Security is to be the security provider of choice in the region by providing our clients...

Our Work Philosophy

Our Work Philosophy

"A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he...

The Top 3 Ways Criminals Break into Your Home

The Top 3 Ways Criminals Break into Your Home

When we think of a house being broken into, we tend to think of the Hollywood version: criminals with high tech gadgets and superior stealth skills, letting them get in and out with no damage and no sign they'd been there. The reality for most home break-ins is...

What Can Smart Home Technology Do For You?

What Can Smart Home Technology Do For You?

Chances are the majority of things you work so hard for are in your home. Your home, your possessions, and your family deserve to be protected. Protectus Security is the premier home security provider in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and the best choice when it comes to...

Benefits of a Small Business Security System

Benefits of a Small Business Security System

As the owner of Protectus Security, my schedule varies from day to day, and I don’t always make it into the office.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not able to keep tabs on the office when I’m away.  I receive a text message when our alarm system is disarmed in the...

Building a 5-Star Brand On Accident

Building a 5-Star Brand On Accident

Our goal when we started Protectus Security wasn’t to build a 5-star brand, but that is what has happened. We are proud to say that we consistently get 5-star reviews across the board. Whether it’s with Yelp, Google, or the BBB, or anywhere else we’re reviewed you’ll...